

This is a past local hangout

Meaningful Discussions: Emotional Intelligence

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    Initiated by:
  • Glen

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Meaningful Discussions: Emotional Intelligence


As always, please watch a few of the videos prior to the event: https://www.buddytree.org/topic/emotional-intelligence There's limited seating so reserve your spot in advance by paying online using this link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/meaningful-discussions-emotional-intelligence-tickets-1204095003569 This will be our first event at Kitsilano Neighbourhood House! Ask at the front desk for directions to our designated room. The format for these events consists of 5-6 people per table with discussion questions provided, then you will have the ability to mix and mingle with people at the other tables. Prior to the pandemic, these events took place in 11 countries and I'm excited to start hosting these events in my new neighbourhood in Kits! We are charging a small fee to attend which covers the cost of booking the room. Please be sure to arrive on time since latecomers are disruptive to the flow of the conversations. For more information about Meaningful Discussions events, visit: https://www.meaningfuldiscussions.org Glen Brauer Founder, Meaningful Discussions

Attended (7)

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Link to Bev's profile


Hi Glen. Wish I could attend but booked that evening. This is my favourite topic so it's sure to be a great discussion.

Link to Clare's profile


I'm not sure I can make this so will bow out for now.

Link to Glen's profile


Hope to see you at the next one Clare - 4th Thursday in Feb and Mar.

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Upgrade your social life.

Glen Brauer CEO