The Wealth Gap

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  • What has caused the wealth gap to be so wide?
  • Can anyone become rich if they work hard enough?
  • Together we will increase our understanding on this controversial topic.
  • View some videos before the hangout.
  • Use the questions to keep the discussion on topic.
  • "The illusion has become real."

    "The illusion has become real."

  • Why You Should Tell Coworkers Your Salary

    Why You Should Tell Coworkers Your Salary

  • Why We Look down on Low Wage Earners

    Why We Look down on Low Wage Earners

  • Rich and Poor People (Part 1)

    Rich and Poor People (Part 1)

  • Universal Basic Income

    Universal Basic Income

  • Millionaires vs Minimum Wage

    Millionaires vs Minimum Wage

  • How About a MAXIMUM Wage?

    How About a MAXIMUM Wage?

  • Rich and Poor People (Part 2)

    Rich and Poor People (Part 2)

  • Socialists and Capitalists

    Socialists and Capitalists

  • How the Rich Avoid Paying Taxes

    How the Rich Avoid Paying Taxes

  • Why Occupy Wall Street Failed

    Why Occupy Wall Street Failed

  • Sacred Economics

    Sacred Economics

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