A World Without War

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  • Is it possible to have a world without war?
  • If so, what would it take for this to be achieved?
  • What barriers are preventing us from achieving this goal?
  • View some videos before the hangout.
  • Use the questions to keep the discussion on topic.
  • Peace One Day

    Peace One Day

  • Do you have a flag?

    Do you have a flag?

  • The People Have the Power

    The People Have the Power

  • The Parents Circle

    The Parents Circle

  • Global Zero

    Global Zero

  • The center of Global Arms Trade

    The center of Global Arms Trade

  • Gamers Recruited to Kill

    Gamers Recruited to Kill

  • Interview with a Suicide Bomber

    Interview with a Suicide Bomber

  • Why Humanity Destroyed Itself

    Why Humanity Destroyed Itself

  • U.S. Tax Dollars & War

    U.S. Tax Dollars & War

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